There are many steps that you can take to grow your YouTube vlog channel. We are going to discuss some of the best ways to do that in this article. When you start a vlog, growing your channel should be your number one aim. So use these techniques for more subscribers.
Add your Social Media Profiles
You can link your social media profiles to your YouTube
channel. When you do this they will be visible on the top right of your
channel. You can also add a link to your website or blog if you have one too.
This is a simple but effective way to create more engagement
with your audience. Some of them are going to want to follow you on Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter, and your own website. So don’t deprive them of this
Complete the “About” Section for your Channel
When people are visiting your vlog channel a number of them
will check out your “About” tab. If there is nothing there they will be
disappointed. Tell people why you started the vlog and how you want to help
them. Let them know how regularly you will post new videos. Tell your audience
where you are from and how they can contact you via email.
Create a Striking Channel Thumbnail
Did you know that you can create your own channel thumbnail?
Well, you can and it is a good idea to do so. If you are no good at the graphic design
stuff then outsource this for a few bucks. This needs to look good both small
and large so get a professional job done.
Use Great Looking Channel Art
We are talking about the banner for your channel and the
smaller image. Remember that you are building a brand with your vlog so really
make this look good. Find a good graphic designer if you can’t do this
yourself. You want your channel to appeal to everyone so be prepared to invest
in great channel art.
Organize your Channel
You want to make a good impression with newcomers that visit
your channel so organize your videos into specific categories so that it is
easy for them to find the specific videos that interest them. This is a simple
thing to do but very effective in getting you more subscribers.
Make a Channel Trailer
Once you have a few videos on your channel you can make a
trailer video that introduces newcomers to your vlog. Use the best bits from
some of your videos so that it encourages people to subscribe.
Customize your Channel with New Viewers in mind
You do not have to stick with the way that your channel is
currently presented. Change it up so it will be appealing to new visitors to
your channel. Make sure that your channel trailer is there and your most
popular videos. By presenting your best content you will increase your chances
of more subscriptions.
Provide an Incentive for Subscriptions
It is always good to give new visitors to your vlog channel
an incentive to become a subscriber. Tell them that you will create a special
video once you achieve a specific subscription milestone for example.