If you are thinking about starting a vlog but are not totally convinced yet then this article will explain the best reasons for starting one. A vlog is a big commitment so you need to be determined and constantly motivated to start one and keep it going with new content. So take a look at these powerful reasons for starting a vlog.
1. People Like Videos and what is happening in Other People’s Lives
The rise in the popularity of vlogs should not come as much of a
surprise to most of you. There have been several studies that confirm people
would much rather watch a video than reading text on a website. Also, people like
to know what is going on in other people’s lives. The viewing figures for
reality TV certainly show this.
So here you have a powerful combination at work. The power
of video combined with the power of curiosity. Yes, people like to know what
celebrities are doing but they are also interested in how other ordinary people
live their lives. So give them what they want.
2. Vlogging is Fun
Well, vlogging certainly should be fun. If it isn’t fun for
you then don’t do it. With a vlog, you have the opportunity to share your life
experiences, your knowledge, and a lot of other things with people all over the
world that you have never met before.
Planning videos for your vlog is a lot of fun. Getting
everything ready and shooting the footage and then editing the whole thing
afterward so that only the best bits appear in your video is a real blast.
Also, you will get a real buzz from people subscribing to
your vlog channel, liking your videos, sharing your videos with people that
they know, and leaving you nice comments. Watching the popularity of your vlog
grow is very fulfilling.
3. Reach a Wider Audience with your Vlog
If you are in business and want to promote your products and
services then a good vlog is a great way to do it. You will be able to reach
people in different parts of the world that you never thought was possible. Of
course, your vlog needs to provide value and not just be a series of ads.
We will always recommend using YouTube for your vlog. It has
the biggest reach of any video site with over 1 billion users. Each day it
receives 4 billion page views from all over the world and there will definitely
be people looking for the kind of content that you provide on your vlog.
4. You will create a Better Connection with your Audience
People will want to see you and find out as much about you
as they can. This is easy to achieve with a good vlog. It is a lot easier to
persuade people to do the things that you want them to do using video rather
than the written word. They will not only respond to your words but also your
body language too.
5. You can Make Money with your Vlog
There are many cases of vloggers making a fortune from doing
something that they love. They make money from brand sponsorships, promoting
their own products, promoting affiliate products, and other monetization