

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tips For Video Blogs And Vloggers

SEO Tips for Video Blogs and Vloggers

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tips For Video Blogs And Vloggers

SEO stands for search engine optimization. The fact that you are reading this article means you probably already knew that. There is a good chance that you currently operate a video blog, or simply want some search engine optimization tips for the videos you are posting online, whether that be on your website, YouTube, Facebook, or elsewhere. In either scenario, you can create better-performing videos in the future and repair poor performers using the following video SEO tips.

 Embrace the "Under 70" Rule

Even the best video in the world won't get clicked on as much as it should if it doesn't have a title. Your video title should encapsulate what your content is about, and how it can benefit your viewers, and it should stop web surfers dead in their tracks and make them click. It should also be short. Many search engines only show the first 70 characters of a video title.

Keep your video titles below 70 characters to appeal to likely viewers and search engines alike.


 Use All You Are Given!

Wherever you upload your video, you are probably going to be given a chance to write a description and may be able to provide a transcription as well. Whenever you have a chance to provide text which accompanies a video, use all the available characters. For example, YouTube video descriptions can be up to 5,000 characters long. This gives you a generous 5,000 characters to describe your video, link to your web properties and social media accounts, and connect with your viewers.

Those 5,000 characters are viewed by search engines as extra information that tells them what your video is about. Don't waste this space. Max out your video description character count, whenever you can, to give your viewers more value, and to provide search engines with more data so they can actually rank your video for the applicable search terms.

 Upload Videos in HD for SEO

Search Google or YouTube for just about any phrase and the videos that appear highest in the search results are often recorded in high definition (HD). Video search engines and universal search engines like Google strive to give their users the best possible experience, and when it comes to video, that means HD.

 Don't Forget the #Hashtag

Twitter, Facebook, and Google Plus all support the use of hashtags. It is easy enough to add a few hashtags to your video description to improve the odds of search engines and web surfers finding and viewing your content.

 Don't Go YouTube-Exclusive

YouTube is a great place to put your videos. It is the second largest search engine in the world, and it is owned by the largest search engine in the world, Google. That means YouTube videos often rank on the first page of Google for their targeted keywords. Accordingly, you should probably be placing your videos on YouTube. Additionally, each video should have a dedicated page on your site, and adding your videos to social media sites and other video-sharing sites like Vimeo can additionally help you reach your business goals.

 Video SEO Rule #1 - Create Great Content

Search engines reward great content. Great video content gets clicks, views, comments, shares, likes, and sometimes goes viral. While you certainly should be optimizing every one of your videos for search by using the above-listed tips, the first thing you should do is make a great video. When your content is of high value to your viewers, you impact your SEO efforts in the best way possible.

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